My Dad was Santa at his ward Christmas party. I kind of had a feeling that my three year old wouldn't be really excited about seeing Santa. He is pretty cautious and we don't really do the whole Santa thing too much. I figured my one year old wouldn't care too much either way, he's pretty easy going and I was right, he kind of went with the flow.
The three year old on the other hand, was upset even at the mention of going to see Santa. So I whispered into his ear "Let me tell you a secret, It's just Grandpa and he is dressed up like Santa Clause, but don't tell your friends" Maybe I'm a spoil sport, but I'm not going to lie to my kids, especially about something that is apparently terrifying to them. Sure enough he was still a little nervouse but, as you can see he went in.
A couple days later he went with the babysitters to a different Christmas party with Santa and he was a little too scared to see that Santa. He told them matter of factly that "he had already seen Santa Clause and that it was his Grandpa and he didn't tell his friends (or his dad)".
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